My Diversity and Inclusion Declaration

I am committed to fostering an environment that celebrates diversity and inclusivity in every aspect of my work. I believe in the power of representation and the beauty of every individual's unique identity.

I recognize and acknowledge my privilege as a white cisgendered woman, married to a man. I am dedicated to using this privilege responsibly to amplify the voices and stories of those who have been historically marginalized and underrepresented, especially as a wedding photographer.

I actively strive to create a safe and welcoming space for all individuals regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability, religion, or socio-economic status. Diversity is not only welcomed but celebrated in front of my camera.

I believe that every person deserves to see themselves represented and celebrated in photography.

As a boudoir photographer, I celebrate the beauty & diversity in body shapes and sizes. I believe that every body is worthy of love, respect, and appreciation. My photography aims to capture the unique story of each individual, regardless of societal standards or norms. This is deeply important to me.

As an LGBTQIA+ affirming photographer & photographer in the business of LOVE, I am committed to capturing the essence of every person I photograph, ensuring that their identities are respected and honored. Your trust in me is deeply valued, and I am honored to be entrusted with capturing your love story.

~Aubree Della