Utah Photography Mentoring

Hi there!! I am Aubree! 

So excited to work with you and teach you a little bit about what I know! 


I started photography when I was 14 and officially started my business when I was 16 years old. It has been a blast! I’m 8 years in and I LOVE what I do. Not only do I GET the business aspects of things (and I learned them so young!) I understand the value of learning these things quickly IF you’re serious. I invested in tons of mentors, tools, and took advantage of ways to grow quickly.

I am successful in what I do and I get asked questions ALL the time. So I would love to put us into a professional setting, where you feel like you can ASK and get answers! If you love the way I edit- let me show you what I got! How I learned! Struggling with capturing the REAL and raw moments within couples + portraits? I GOT YOU.

I can answer basic questions, my editing process, my workflow, how to go above and beyond and HOW I GET BOOKED!!! 

Basic Mentoring

Package. 1 HR.


This can either be a meet up for a coffee date, phone call, or FaceTime! 1 HOUR of just me and you!! This is YOU coming to me with a bunch of questions and I can answer them!! I will definitely help you figure out the answers if I can. I want to HELP you thrive!!! Let's set a date and come with a list of questions!


1 1/2 HRS. $350.

We will do a portrait session with you! I will teach you basic tips + posing for YOUR clients while you ARE a client! This is a portrait session. Bring your camera. Let’s get photos for your website + social media with your camera! I will teach you BTS things to do during a regular session with your clients and teach you basic camera skills!

Extra Basic Mentoring PACKAGE. 2 HRS. $500.

1 hour of in person meet up and process/answer questions. I will show you what I do from the first inquiry to finishing up and delivering a session! THEN, you get to do it! We will do a session with a modeling couple or individual! (You decide!) We will shoot together + you get awesome BTS photos of YOU!


Hey creatives, here are my resources that I WISH I had as a beginner photographer.

Sign up with my referral links!!

Honeybook - 50% OFF

 Oh my heck you guys, this is MY FAVORITE tool for not only photographers, but creatives in GENERAL. Best Business tool for the win. If you don’t have this yet- you need it!!!

HoneyBook helps creative entrepreneurs and freelancers book more clients, manage projects and get paid all in one place. With their business management software, you can automate sending invoices/contracts and emails! Stay on top of all your to-dos, saving time and money so you can grow your business. You can also link your calendar to it and NEVER second book yourself again. Have ALL your files for each client and each session in ONE place.

Pixieset - Sign up now!

What is Pixieset? Simply put, Pixieset is an online platform for delivering photos to clients. ... In Pixieset, you can set up galleries for each shoot, and customize them to fit that client's needs. Pixieset allows you to use these galleries for delivering proofs or final images for download or purchase.


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Narrative -


Contact me to walk you through the process of how Narrative works!